Naruto, a beloved anime and manga series, takes fans on a journey following Naruto Uzumaki's dream of becoming the Hokage. While the series had incredible highs, it also faced criticism, especially in how Naruto's dream was handled. Let's delve into the incredible run of Naruto and the disappointments it faced
Naruto's journey begins with excitement, introducing powerful characters and gripping storylines. The series peaks with the Pain's Assault arc, maintaining popularity. However, after this point, especially in the Fourth Great Ninja War, the quality declines. The handling of villains like Madara and the overall story impact the series.
Naruto's dream of becoming the Hokage is a core theme. Despite his growth and accomplishments, the story starts to falter after the Pain's Assault arc. The Fourth Great Ninja War lacks interest, and the treatment of Naruto's dream becomes a major concern for fans.
Naruto's progression is evident post-timeskip. Attaining Sage Mode and saving the village showcase his abilities. The Fourth Great Ninja War solidifies him as a hero. Despite this, the story fails to build up to Naruto becoming the Hokage, leaving fans surprised and disappointed.
Fans expected Naruto to become Hokage, given his achievements. However, the story takes a bizarre turn. Kakashi is made Hokage, and Naruto attains the position many years later with no proper buildup. The manga skips this crucial moment, leaving fans unsatisfied.
The manga skips Naruto's Hokage moment, revealed in an OAV. The anime concludes with Naruto not becoming Hokage, ending with his marriage to Hinata. This decision robs fans of witnessing Naruto's fulfillment of his dream and leaves a significant gap in the series.
Boruto, the sequel, shifts focus to Naruto's son. Fans hoped to see Naruto's life as Hokage and the continuation of beloved characters' stories. However, Boruto disappoints by sidelining Naruto and Sasuke, pushing them to the sidelines for new characters.
Naruto and Sasuke are poorly handled in Boruto, stripped of their significance in the plot. The fear of taking drastic measures leaves them barely alive but removed from the story. Fans are left disappointed as the newer generation takes over.
Fans express disappointment in the handling of Naruto's dream and legacy. The biggest mistake lies in the missed opportunities to showcase his journey to becoming Hokage. Hope remains for future content to explore the missing pieces of Naruto's story.
Naruto, despite its flaws, remains a beloved series. The mishandling of Naruto's dream and legacy disappoints fans, but the hope lingers for future content to provide a more fulfilling conclusion to Naruto Uzumaki's incredible journey.