Bamini and Boys is a short time format web-series. The series is released on Disney + Hotstar Quix. Featuring Vidya Malvade, Rishab Chadha, Aakashdeep Arora and Anuj Pandit Sharma in the lead roles, this series is scheduled to be release on 7 May 2021.
This is the story of three best friends Abhinav, Hardik and Utpal, who live together in a flat in Mumbai. Meanwhile, he falls in love with his young landlord Bamini and tries to woo her in their own way.
Bamini and Boys is a daily series. Every episode of this series is released on everyday. The duration of which is also be less than 15 minutes
Here’s the compete cast of TV show Bamini and Boys :
Cast Name | Role Name |
Rishab Chadha | Abhinav |
Aakashdeep Arora | Hardik |
Anuj Pandit Sharma | Utpal |
Vidya Malvade | Bamini |
**We will keep updating the star cast list. If you have any information please comment below.
Channel & Distributor | Disney+ Hotstar |
Starting Date | 7 May 2021 |
Show Timings | Everyday |
Running Time | Less than 15 Minutes |
Language | Hindi |
Country Origin | India |
Crew & Production Team Details
Director | Ashish Ranglani |
Producer | Zoom Studios Jagdish Mulchandani Saurabh Bhowal Siddharth Maitreya Jahaan Kaur Rishabh Seth |
Story & Screenplay | Nisheeth Neelkanth |
Dialogue | Shyni Shetty Nipul Malik Nikhil Desai Parth Desai Hemant Jaangli |
Music | Not Available |
Lyrics | Not Available |
Editor | Sandeep Singh |
Costume Designer | Smiti Kaur Bhatia |
Casting Director | Sunny Choudhary Rohit Rajput |
DoP | Bappa Mir |
Sound Designer | Vijaykumar Bhope |
Production Head | Sudhir Hegde |
Production House | Green Light Productions |
Disclaimer: The rights of the added featured image and embedded promos are related to their respective creators.
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