Banni Chow Home Delivery TV serial- Plot, Cast, Timings, Crew

Banni Chow Home Delivery, TV serial- Plot, Cast, Timings, Crew and Production Wiki & more

Banni Chow Home Delivery is an upcoming Indian television serial produced by Shashi Sumeet Mittal starring- Ulka Gupta and Pravisht Mishra in lead roles. It will start airing from Monday to Saturday at 9 pm.


Ulka Gupta

As: Banni

Pravisht Mishra

As: Yuvan

Parvati Sehgal

As: Malini

Cast Real Name Role Name
Ulka GuptaBanni
Pravisht MishraYuvan
Parvati SehgalMalini
Alpesh DixitBanni’s mama
Neelam Gupta LoonkerBanni’s mami
Ansh PandeyVishnu Banni’s brother
Harsh VashishthVeer Yuvan’s chacha
Preety AroraBindra Yuvan’s chichi
Parvati Sehgal
Payal Gupta
Pooja Singh
Sheetal Jaiswal
Ayush Anand
Sonal Vengurlekar
Priyank Tatariya

We will keep updating the star cast list. If you have any information please comment below.

The show will be about a girl named Banni and it will showcase her journey.
She runs a food delivery business. She basically cooks home-cooked meals for those people who have come to the city in search for jobs and stable income and miss the home-cooked meals at home.
Banni Chow Home Delivery is going to be a remake of a Bengali TV show, Khukumoni Home Delivery which aired on Star Jalsa Bengali TV.


Channel DistributorStar Plus
Released DateMay 30, 2022
OTT PlatformDisney+ Hotstar
Telecast daysMonday – Saturday
Timings09:00 pm
Country OriginIndia

Crew And Production Team Details

ProducersShashi Sumeet Mittal
Production HouseShashi Sumeet Productions

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can Banni Chow Home Delivery be watched?
Banni Chow Home Delivery can be watched from Monday to Saturday at 09:00 pm on Star Plus.
What are the timings of Banni Chow Home Delivery?
The timings of Bani Chow Home Delivery are 09:00 pm.
Who are the main leads of Banni Chow Home Delivery?
Ulka Gupta and Pravishth Mishra are confirmed as leads in Banni Chow Home Delivery.
Which serial is being replaced by Banni Chow Home Delivery?
Saath Nibhana Saathiya will change its timeslot to give space to Banni Chow Home Delivery at 09:00 pm.


If you want to know anything else about Banni Chow Home Delivery. Please comment below we will try to provide information.