Ladachi Mi Lek Ga is a Marathi television series produced by Vishal Gupta. Mitali Mayekar, Aroh Velankar and Smita Tambe are playing the lead roles in the television show. The show began airing on 14 September 2020. The show is directed by Amit Tanaji Sawardekar under the banner of R Entertainment Enterprises.
It is the story of Saurabh Satam, a doctor who falls in love with Kasturi, a nurse working for him. However, their relationship faces several hurdles created by his mother who refuses to accept Kasturi.
The Ladachi Mi Lek Ga show is aired from Monday to Friday at 7 pm. The show is also available for online streaming on Zee5.
Here’s the compete cast of TV show Ladachi Mi Lek Ga:
Cast Name | Role Name | Role |
Mitali Mayekar | Kasturi Satam (née Lokhande) | Female Lead |
Aroh Velankar | Saurabh Satam | Male Lead |
Smita Tambe | Kamini Pratap Satam | Saurabh’s mother |
Ramesh Rokade | Pratap Satam | Saurabh’s father |
Umesh Jagtap | Hanumant Lokhande | Kasturi’s father |
Rajashri Nikam | Lakshmi Lokhande | Kasturi’s mother |
Rohan Surve | Vijay Lokhande | Kasturi’s brother |
Vandana Marathe | – | Saurabh’s grandmother |
Aakanksha Gade | Sindhu | Saurabh’s friend |
Anupama Takmoghe | Kala | Pratap’s sister |
Sonal Pawar | Prajakta | Vijay’s girlfriend |
Vedangi Kulkarni | Vini | Kasturi’s friend |
**We will keep updating the star cast list. If you have any information please comment below.
Channel & Distributor | Zee Marathi |
Starting Date | 14 September 2020 |
Show Timings | Monday to Friday at 7 pm |
Running Time | 22-25 Minutes |
Language | Marathi |
Country Origin | India |
Crew & Production Team Details
Director | Amit Sawardekar |
Producer | Vishal Gupta |
Story | Vishal Gupta |
Screenplay | Ambar Hadap |
Dialogue | Pralhad Kudtarkar |
Music | Nilesh Moharir |
Lyrics | Ashwini Shende |
Singer | Shalmali Sukhtankar (title song) |
Editor | Vaibhav Santosh Gurav |
DoP | Anand Sharma |
Executive Producer | Shivkumar Mudaliar Santosh Kisan Raundhal |
Background Music | Prakash-Viraj |
Production House | R Entertainment Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. |
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