Majha Hoshil Na is a Marathi television serial. The show is being aired on Zee Marathi channel from 2 March 2020. Gautami Deshpande and Virajas Kulkarni are playing the lead roles in the show. Apart from them, Achyut Potdar, Vidyadhar Joshi, Vinay Yedekar and Sunil Tawde are also in important roles. The show is being directed by Aniket Arun Sane under the banner of Ocean Films Company.
The show depicts the story of a girl named Sai Birajdar, who belongs to a well-to-do family. A change in his life comes when she is married to a sensible and intelligent man named Aditya. After marriage, how Sai will deal with Aditya’s family, you will get to see in this television show.
Majha Hoshil Na is telecast from Monday to Saturday at 9:00 pm, replaced Swarajyarakshak Sambhaji in time slot.
Here’s the compete cast of TV show Majha Hoshil Na:
Cast Name | Role Name | Role |
Gautami Deshpande | Sai Kashyap (née Birajdar) | Female lead role |
Virajas Kulkarni | Aditya Kashyap | Male lead role |
Achyut Potdar | Vinayak Brahme/Appa | Jagdish’s father |
Vidyadhar Joshi | Jagdish Brahme/Dada | Aditya’s father |
Seema Deshmukh | Sindhu Brahme | Jagdish’s wife |
Vinay Yedekar | Janardan Brahme/Bhai | Jagdish’s brother |
Sunil Tawde | Prabhakar Brahme aka Bandhu | Jagdish’s brother |
Dipti Joshi | Gulprit Brahme | Prabhakar’s wife |
Rajveersingh Raje | Billu Prabhakar Brahme | Prabhakar’s son |
Nikhil Ratnaparkhi | Swanand Brahme aka Pintya | Jagdish’s brother |
Sulekha Talwalkar | Sharmila Birajdar | Sai’s mother |
Atul Kale | Shashikant Birajdar aka Baban | Sai’s father |
Ashay Kulkarni | Dr. Suyash Suhas Patwardhan | Sai’s fiance |
Mugdha Puranik | Nayana Yashpal Naik | Sai’s best friend |
Sanika Gadgil | Meghna Raghuvir Kashikar | Aditya’s fiance |
Rajesh Uke | Chandu | Sai’s house servant |
**We will keep updating the star cast list. If you have any information please comment below.
Channel & Distributor | Zee Marathi |
Starting Date | 2 March 2020 |
Show Timings | Monday to Saturday at 9:00 pm |
Running Time | 22-25 Minutes |
Language | Marathi |
Country Origin | India |
Crew & Production Team Details
Director | Aniket Arun Sane |
Producer | Subodh Khanolkar Onkar Kate Sujay Khande |
Editor | Sudarshan Saatpute and Sagar Nemane |
DoP | Vinay Jadhav |
Make-up Artist | Abhay Mohite Swapnil Mohite |
Art Director | Nitin Kulkarni |
Costume Designer | Ananya Bhandari |
Production House | Ocean Films Company Pvt. Ltd. |
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